The Silver Strider 10k State Championship


The Silver Strider online presents

The Christmas Rush 5k and 10k


By Jerry Dietrich
with photos by Bruce Fisher

The 2025 Silver Strider IOk State Champions

W50-54 Heidi Kriss 50, 45:40
W55-59 Jesse Rodriguez 59, 47:08
W60-64 Rikki Bogue 61, 54:22
W65-69 Joy Kawaoka 65, 1:07:53
W70-74 Barbara Prine 73, 1:10:25
W75-79 Vacant
W80-84 Judy Fisher 81, 1:15:36

M50-54 Steven Colmus 52 41:43
M55-59 Michael Magnussen 56 41:06
M60-64 Craig Romano 50 54:41
M65-69 Keith Lerew 67 45:44
M70-74 Steve Husko 71 53:57
M75-79 Ed Heckard 79 1:02:18
M80-84 Curtis Brandon 80 1:09:48

Age grading has made itself irrelevant. Using the 2020 age grading table, standout performances like those posted by Michael Magnussen and Keith Lerew rate only 75%. Just a few short years ago, their times would be world class, over 90%. The 2025 table begins on January 1st. National class times are considered to be above 80%. Don’t bother age grading performances in the future. Age grading American runners is a waste of time and renders a discouraging result.


Every year a stoic group of runners gather in Kent for the Christmas Rush. It is the premier winter running event in the state. This year 623 runners ignored the cold, wind and rain to finish the 5k or the 10k. Here are the results as caught in Bruce Fisher’s camera eye.


