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Presents the

              Race Schedule

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Route 16 Running and Walking
6745 Kimball Rd, Ste F, Gig Harbor 98335


The Silver Strider Race Schedule

To register for one of the races below, simply click on their ad on the right side of the page and you will be taken to their web page for easy registration.

All of the 3k’s, 5k’s, 10k’s and Half Marathons on the schedule are certified and eligible for the Top IO except Run Scared 5k and 10k.

For a special offer click on Ambassador 3 on the menu bar.


Here is your 2025 calendar 

The Silver Strider Series for 2025 has been named the Ambassador Series. The change from the previous Grand Prix Series is in the achievement awards. The previous 2 achievement awards were:
1. First runner to reach 80 points. This award has been monopolized by 3 runners for years.
2. Biggest increase in number of races completed over previous year. The category allowed for very little competition. 

We are discontinuing both of those achievement awards with a single award that all Silver Strider finishers can win, regardless of how fast they are or how many races they complete. The achievement award for 2025 will be given to all finishers who wear a Silver Strider shirt, singlet, hat or visor at all the series races they enter. Runners who wear one or more of these items at all of their series races will receive the title “Silver Strider Ambassador” and a special award.


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