Narrows Half and 5k


The Silver Strider online presents

Race Review

The Narrows Half and 5k

By Judy Fisher
with photos by Bruce Fisher


Tacoma Narrows Half Marathon

August 10, 2024

There is something mystical about a venue that is empty and quiet, knowing that hordes of runners will soon invade that space in the coming few hours. That is how I perceived entering Cheney Stadium, home of the Tacoma Rainiers baseball team, at 6 AM the morning of the Tacoma Narrows Half Marathon. Music was wafting through the still morning air, eerily arousing feelings of great expectations such as those on opening day of baseball season. Lines were beginning to form where race packets and race shirts were being distributed. The morning was nippy – no “too hot to run” excuse this day.

The route took runners from Cheney Stadium north along the paved Scott Pierson Trail. The half marathon distance provided this runner time to contemplate some important questions, such as “Am I the only runner without a tattoo?” And “Am I the oldest runner out here?” With my 81st birthday looming, “Should I even be out here?” Crossing the majestic Narrows Bridge was foremost on most minds. And it was spectacular, a truly memorable part of the course! The view is absolutely stunning! Up the bridge incline to the apex, followed by a speedy downhill, then gently easing runners up to the turnaround on the far side for a return run across the bridge and another amazing water view from high above the Narrows. Midspan was where I spotted an eagle, soaring above the runners.

The certified course was basically out and back with a circuitous finish into the stadium where runners could view themselves on the huge jumbotron screen. All finishers were awarded unique commemorative medals featuring the Narrows Bridge, Cheney Field and even a spinning baseball!  Printed results were immediately available. Ribbons were presented five-deep to age-group winners.  A celebratory outdoor beer garden with a view of the finish line below was available.

This was my first running of this race on this course. I enjoyed and appreciated the entire event! Tony Phillippi and his crew carried out the amazing task of successfully organizing over 500 half marathoners and 270 5Kers to the finish, not to mention the months of preparation preceding this race. They are to be commended for producing a well-orchestrated race. I will return!


Results in Photos by Bruce Fisher



Ben Dew’s Restaurant for a post race milkshake