The 2024 5k Championship

Silver online presents 


The 2024 Silver Strider 5k Championship 

The Kent Cornucopia 5k was designated Silver Strider 5k Championship race for 2024. Well known as a flat and fast course, the race was well attended and competitive. Only two of the 2023 Champions were able to retain their title. They were Keith Lerew M65-69, and Nancy Larsen W75-79.


Here is the official 5k Championship flyer for 2024.

The Kent Cornucopia 5k

July 13th – Kent
Once again the Kent course was the site selected for a Silver Strider Championship. The course is magnificent and fast. The Race Director, Mark Hendricksen is welcoming and runners over 60 get free entry in this event. It’s an unbeatable combination.

The epic battle for first Silver Strider saw Michael Magnussen and Scott Ling cross the finish line a  17 seconds apart. Michael prevailed with a blistering 18:43. Scott’s time was 19:04. Both runners were age 55.

Michael Magnussen
Scott Ling









The first female Silver Strider was Jennifer Rozler. Her time was 23:46.

The overall field was very fast with the winner running 16:18 and 27 runners breaking 20 minutes.

The competition among the elites in each age group was very strong. Runners who routinely win their age group found themselves out of the top three. Winners who received the championship  trophies were treated to a well attended award ceremony with photos taken by Bruce “Flash” Fisher.

Three of the competitors chalked up their 8th Grand Prix Series race to become finishers for 2024 and will receive trophies and prizes at our annual awards Party to be held at the Old Spaghetti Factory on January 18th. They were John Phillips, Karl Johnson and Keith Lerew.

My personal effort sadly, was not to materialize. Struck by severe stomach cramps 15 minutes before the starting gun left me paralyzed with pain and unable to start or attend the post-race brunch. It’s disappointing to train and look forward to a special race and have disaster strike, but we must be thankful for those blessings we have and not lament those we planned but lost.

Bruce Fisher must be commended for a stellar job of photographing each age group winner and producing a beautiful 5k championship flyer for 2024.



The race results in photos by Bruce Fisher
